The 5 Signs You May Be A Medium

Treasured friends, A common question I’m regularly asked is, “how do I know I am a medium?”; A fabulous question but not one that is easy to define. 

People find themselves drawn to mediumship for various reasons. You may have lost a loved one and then begin a search for answers, comfort and connection. You may have suffered a debilitating health condition or a near death experience, or (like me), you may have always been interested in all things psychic, spiritual or supernatural in nature.

The reasons and interests may be as varied and unique as we are with our individual personalities. One thing I have noticed having taught psychic and mediumship development for ten plus years is that there are 5 common traits that all natural mediums have.

  1. You are a highly sensitive person and you are also sensitive to other people’s feelings and moods. Often you will sense what someone is feeling even if their words don’t match their moods.

  2. You have a deep care and love for all living things, including plants and animals and cannot stand any violence of any kind.

  3. You have had childhood experiences with Spirit including “imaginary friends” or night time visitations from “angels or passed loved ones”. (You may have seen or felt them).

  4. You have an uncanny ability to just know things - even when you know you have not studied the topic or had prior knowledge.

  5. You a creative person and love using your right brain.

If you feel that you have natural mediumship ability but you are not sure what to do with it or how to develop it, then I would like to invite you to join me and my fellow presenter Sonia from @amediumsjourney in our upcoming retreat “The confident medium”. Read on to find out more and to reserve your spot.

Meraki turns 3 in May…

Three years ago in May I opened the doors and my heart to Meraki. I had envisioned that Meraki would be a place for us to gather as a community and to share our love for Spirit, a place of learning and a place where we could raise funds to support Rural Aid.

What I witnessed over the three years has far surpassed my expectations… we have laughed together, cried together, made new, lasting and enduring friendships, we have supported each other, shared a cup of tea and a chat, we have heard from amazing practitioners on our community and we have been spoilt by @Cooper & Wild with delicious treats.

In May we will be celebrating our 3rd birthday with cake and would love to have you join us on Sunday 9th May 2pm - 4pm at Highett Neighbourhood House.

As always, I love offering opportunities for you to grow spiritually and to learn new skills. Be sure to read on and check out there amazing seminars and workshops just for you.

Brightest blessings, 

Ioanna xx