Am I a Healer?

tune into your inner healer

treasured friends, with the rising pressures of life, cost of living, raising families, work and health goals, we find that we get to the end of the week and we are spent. Taking time out for self is low on our list of priorities and it feels overwhelming to make the time to focus on our personal healing and wellbeing.

But what if I was to remind you that you already have a healer at hand (literally as well as figuratively); and that healer is YOU!

Your inner soul recognises and knows that it has the ability to provide healing to you according to your own blueprint.  It knows how much healing and what intensity is required and all you need to access this healing is your intention and your hands, plus a little help from your healing guides..  

So how do you give yourself healing? The answer is simple.  

  1. set aside a regular time and place where you can practice healing undisturbed.

  2. play some healing music (try searching ‘healing frequencies” in youTube).

  3. ask, through intention, that your healing guides and angels join you.

  4. place your hands over your heart.

  5. focus on creating | visualising a ball of golden light with your hands.

  6. send the light to all parts of your body.

I love hearing all about your experiences; let me know how you felt during your healing practice and if it has benefited you.  

If you feel the calling and would like to learn more about healing then do consider coming along to my upcoming course : The healing medium on July 22nd (see below for more details).

Mother’s day

Wishing all the mums, step mums, foster mums, dad’s that are mums, aunties, those that have mums in heaven and adopted mums a wonderful mother’s day this Sunday. Mothering is such a privilege and often unacknowledged job so do take the time to treat yourself.  Be kind to yourself - our vision of motherhood and our reality don’t always align but remember we are all human, we make mistakes but if our intentions are true then love prevails.

Meraki is turning 5 this month.

In other news, meraki is turning 5 this month on May 28th!  Meraki Spiritualist Society is a place to gather as a community and to honor and celebrate our passed loved ones in spirit.  Every month, I support my developing mediums as they gain confidence publicly demonstrating mediumship and working with an audience.  Afterwards friendships are made over the sharing of a cup of tea and some treats donated by Cooper & Wild.

Brightest blessings,  Ioanna xx