Are you listening to your soul's voice?

treasured friends, we live in an information world constantly bombarded with images, words and music that is designed to capture our attention. We are told what to think, what to buy, how we should be and where we are lacking.

we worry constantly as we mindlessly move through our days carrying out functions and completing tasks. Our satisfaction levels are reduced and our inspiration is non existent.

this constant ever present noise in our lives has over time eroded our ability to tune into self and to hear our own soul speak.

BUT what if we could hear our soul speak? what would it say to us? how would our life be? and more importantly, how do we hear our inner voice?

the simple answer is …. journalling. This daily practice is incredibly powerful as you nurture yourself back to soul.

your soul has all the answers you need to navigate life, it contains are the wisdom and insight in your blueprint and knows what you need in order to life your life with purpose.

so how do we hear our soul’s voice? take a moment in time where you can sit uninterrupted. switch your phone off, grab a beautiful pen and a journal or exercise book. write at the stop of the page, “my soul wants me to know today..”

take 5 deep centering breathes and ask for your highest guidance and soul to be present. focus and then allow yourself to complete the sentence without consciously thinking about what you are going to write.

the more you do this the better your practice will be. on some days you may only write one or two words and on other days you may write pages, and pages on words.

so what are you waiting for? start listening to your voice today!

To get you started, here is an intention to try….

“ I now invite my soul with the help of my divine guides to help me with this question | concern | information and I thank you…”

want to practice journalling further? I am delighted to be offering a new 1 day immersion course called “The 5 journals of Life” to be held on March 18th. Head over to my workshops tab to find out more.

Brightest blessings, Ioanna xx

Ioanna Serpanos