Do my loved ones gain superpowers in heaven?

One of the common misconceptions regarding the spirit world I see time and time again is that our loved ones miraculously gain super powers of intuition, higher vision or psychic abilities when they transition into heaven.

During my readings people might say things like, "Does dad think I should sell my house?"  or "Does mum think I should invest in XYZ shares?"  In other words, they are seeking guidance from their passed loved ones. 

What we need to remember though is that when we cross over, we lose our physical bodies but everything else remains the same.  The personality, the memories, the wisdom, the experience and the knowledge that a person has accumulated in their earthly life remains intact.

They don't enter the spirit world and suddenly get super high intelligence or predictive abilities; they don't magically become real estate gurus or financial wizards.

What they can do though, is offer you their opinion and views on life and any questions you may have. You can certainly make plans and decisions based on your passed loved ones opinions but you need to recognise that they are just opinions.

So to answer your question: "Does Dad think I should sell my house?"; certainly take his opinion with a grain of salt and be sure to consult an expert before you make a final decision. Unless, of course, your Dad was a real estate guru when he was earth side 😉.

Wanting to learn more about the spirit world and where you strengths lie? Then book a spiritual assessment now so together we can map out a learning plan for you.

Ioanna x

Ioanna Serpanos