Top 5 Tips for finding a mediumship Mentor

Many of you know that I am deeply passionate about teaching mediumship; whilst the teachings are an important part of the equation, choosing the right mentor for you is equally important.

So what are the top 5 things I need to look out for when choosing a mediumship mentor?

1. Experience - Not only how long they have been a working medium but what type of mediumship are they teaching? Is their style of mediumship the one you are most suited to? Are they working full time in the field or is the teaching a side hustle? The mentors experience should be evident and they need t be able to demonstrate their competence. For example if they are teaching you how to demonstrate mediumship yet they themselves have never demonstrated then this would be ringing alarm bells for me.

2. Knowledge  - how knowledgeable is your mentor? Do they have examples of their teachings? Are they honest if they genuinely don't know the answer to a question? Are they themselves continuously learning and developing or are they stuck in dogma? Are their teachings easy to understand? Are they confident teaching?

3. Inspiration - A great mentor by their very presence will inspire and ignite your soul for mediumship. They will hold space for you until you have built your power and trust in yourself and are able to work with confidence. They need to walk their talk and encourage you to reach your full potential. 

4. Support - is your mentor accessible? Do they offer spiritual assessments to identify your natural abilities and map out a development plan for the untapped abilities you hold. Are you supported in your development? Is feedback given with respect? Are they honest with their assessments? Do they have a space where you can practice your mediumship in person or online?

5. Results - can they prove their methods work? Can they show you proof of their results? Have their students been able to put into practice their teachings or are they returning year after year as a perpetual student? Are you able to connect to a student community where results are shared and applauded?

As a medium and mentor to developing mediums around the globe I pride myself on walking my talk.  I have accumulated knowledge over my 20 years of mediumship practice that is shared in my book, Giving Spirit A Voice, and in my ignition member community; a learning hub for all levels of mediumship development.

Many of my students have gone on to run successful practices themselves and they have become a voice for spirit. They are supported with ongoing bespoke mentoring or through the ignition hub.

If you too are feeling the calling and you are wanting to learn more about the spirit world and where you strengths lie, then book a spiritual assessment now so together we can map out a learning plan for you.

Ioanna x

#mediumship #mediumshipdevelopment #mediumshipmentor #mediumshiptraining #mediumshipteacher

Ioanna Serpanos