Immunity - a healing meditation PLUS tips to reduce anxiety

Revive - a healing meditation just for you.

Revive - a healing meditation just for you.

Treasured friends,

With the current issues we are facing as a global community I felt inspired by Spirit to reach out an offer my support where I can.  

Click the title below to listen to "Immunity" now.
IMMUNITY - a healing meditation just for you.

My Top 5 Tips To Reduce Anxiety - Right Here, Right Now

1. Breathe

I know it sounds obvious but you would be surprised how many people stop breathing properly when they feel anxious. Under stress, we begin to only breathe into the upper half of our lungs and as a consequence we do not fully oxygenate our body, our blood or our organs.  Pause what you are doing and breathe with me now.  Breathe mindfully and slowly as deeply as you can so that your lungs and ribs inflate fully.  

2. Use Aromatherapy
Smell is one of the most powerful and evocative senses we have.  Aromatherapy is one of the simple pleasures we can use instantly to affect and to lift mood.  Burning essential oils, (please use 100% pure oils where possible), adding drops to your bath or just smelling the bottle, will instantly lift your mood.  My favourites are Lavender - for instant calm, Rose Oil for deep calmness, Vetiver for tranquillity, Frankincense for emotional wellbeing and Jasmine to calm the nervous system. 

(For your convenience, I have added a link if you would like to buy therapeutic grade oils from Amazon today - just click on the oil name).

3. Use a Mantra 
Our thoughts create our reality and being mindful of our thoughts is key to reducing anxiety.  The use of a simple mantra is often a useful tool to re-write our thoughts. Write your mantra on your computer or phone screen saver and say it aloud every-time an anxious thought arises.  Suggested mantras to use may be "I am calm and all is well",  "I am safe", "I am love, I am loving, I am loved". 

4. Meditation 
Listening to a healing meditation will often be calming and healing, especially if you listen to it just before going to bed.  I have recorded a couple of meditations available freely on my YouTube channel or you may wish to listen to apps with white noise, nature sounds or calming music.

5. Homeopathy - Australian Bush Flower Essences
I am a huge fan of the Australian Bush Flower Essences and the "Emergency Essence" formula is one that is ideal at this time. This formulation is designed to reduce acute anxiety, distress and stress. As a healing practitioner I stock these essences in my clinic and if you would like to purchase a bottle them please email us here and I am able to leave the bottle at my clinic door for safe collection. Alternatively you can purchase directly on Amazon here to have the drops delivered to your door. 

In my reiki practice, Reiki Master Dr Usui states that "Laughter is the first medicine" and if you cannot laugh then use reiki to bring about healing. Switch off from all the media and watch a comedy with your family to instantly lift you mood and reduce stress in your body.  

A final word, we are all part of the same community, Please be kind and considerate to those that are more vulnerable in our communities.  Stop the panic buying, check in on your neighbours, limit watching the news to one bulletin a day to unhook from the fear mongering, find positive ways to connect with your families and friends and stay positive.

If you are feeling isolated then please reach out and let me know how i may be of assistance.  In the meantime I am sending you all a huge positive virtual hug. 

Brightest blessings,

Ioanna  xx

PS: If you feel someone else may benefit from this newsletter then please feel free to forward it to them.