Introducing Spiritly - your new mediumship development tool

Spiritly APP - new mediumship development tool

Spiritly APP - new mediumship development tool

Treasured friends,

As we start to emerge from our cocooned lives, (due to Covid-19), we are beginning to move into a new "normal" and in this newsletter I would like to share my thoughts of what that may look like.  

Before I do that I would like to share some things I learnt in ISO:

  • I learnt the power of true connection - long phone calls rather than quick text messages.

  • I rediscovered my inner creative artist - I took an online water colour course, bought our my acrylic paints, started knitting and even taught my daughter some basic stitches.

  • I unleashed my inner Nigella! - taking the time to enjoy cooking new recipes rather than the quick family favourites.

  • I embraced my natural beauty - was the world going to stop spinning if I didn't do my nails, eyebrows or dare i say it, wax my legs??

  • I learnt that for every ugly greedy encounter (think toilet paper), there was someone ready to share their own supplies, to step up for the greater good of the whole community.

  • I learnt that some people say they are ok and they are not - I lost a friend to suicide.

  • I embraced technology and took myself out of my comfort zone, exercising online, learning new skills - i even released a new APP.

  • I learnt where there is heart and a strong community we will endure - Meraki was run online and the connections were powerful. 

Most of all, I learn to slow down and ask myself what was really important to me and what could I drop.  The freedom of those choices was huge. 

I discovered a lightness of energy that comes from letting go and just being. Tuning into your soul's voice and aligning your spirit with what is important.  For me most of all - I valued and appreciated connection. Connection from those that feed and nurture your soul, that uplift you with a simple "Are you ok? Thought i would check in?". I would love hear your experiences and what you have discovered....drop me a line and share your thoughts.

Moving out into the new normal:

  • Take your time  - it may be over whelming to be confronted with crowds.

  • Know that your anxiety levels may increase - pause and breathe.

  • Look at your routine and schedule  - where can you free up time to just be?

  • Look at what is important to you and just do that.

  • Don't be a slave to beauty  - simplify your routine.

  • Reuse, repurpose and recycle - our Earth needs us to do this.

  • Make your connections meaningful - find new ways of being.

  • Reach out to someone that is struggling - don't forget about them.

Some news from Me:

During Covid I recorded a 20 minute healing meditation called Immunity (listen here), designed to clear your energy and ground you.  I have included here again for you since so many of you wrote to say how valuable they have found it.  For best results play it at night before you go to bed. Enjoy!

I also released my first APP - called "Spiritly"

This APP is a development tool filled with practical exercises to hone your psychic and mediumship development. As an added bonus I have included three mini-meditations to ignite your mediumship power, set your intention to commence a reading and to clear your energy at the end of your practice or day.

This app is available on the APP store for iPhone users or Google Play for android users. 

I hope you enjoy it and welcome any feedback on the ease of use or features contained in it.

Brightest blessings,

Ioanna Serpanos
Medium, Mentor and Author

PS: If you feel someone else may benefit from this newsletter then please feel free to forward it to them.