Your 2021 forecast

January - Masquerade

January finds us once again reaching for our masks. We are being challenged to examine our thoughts behind the mask. For some this may be quite fatiguing on a deep soul level. We are being asked to be kind to ourselves. Now more than ever, going back to the simple ways of being will become balm for our stressed souls. Unplug from the news and plug into nature. Mother nature will nurture and revive your weary soul. Keep things simple.

February - Emotions

February will find us examining our emotions as we dive into the deeper parts of self that are not always on display. The parts of ourselves that we keep well hidden behind the mask. For those brave enough to look closely at the emotions you have held onto will result in much healing and cleansing. You will finally be able to let go of patterns of behaviours that no longer serve you and move into the rest of the year with power. The key is to feel fully - do not be afraid to immerse yourself.

March - Forgiveness

March will find us opening our hearts to healing and to let go of fear, anger and angst. We will start to feel more grounded and clearer in our thinking. Our inner world, however, will still be churning as it process the last 12 months. This will keep us feeling a little unsettled and anxious. Focus on the breath and keeping things simple to avoid deep fatigued from settling into your psyche.

April - Power and Timeless Earth

April will be a double edged sword for most of us. For those that have been working on themselves, you will feel your full power surge forward as you tap into a deep vein of passion and vision. You will recognise that your thoughts create your reality and you will understand that powerful thoughts yield amazing outcomes. Opportunities are there for those daring enough to seize them. If you are still in the dark - then you will feel overwhelmed with emotion much like a cork floating in the sea, you will feel powerless to change your life. Focus on earthing in nature, connecting and grounding. Send healing to Mother Earth - she needs our care right now.

May - Flame of Inspiration

May will find us ‘fired up’ once again, ready to take on the world. After all the turmoil, release and readjustment - we are ready to put into action all the insights and lessons we have learnt. Like the mighty phoenix rising from the flames we find our transformation is complete. We have motivation, direction and inspiration in our hearts, soul and minds. We are ready to transform our lives and make our dreams a reality. Now is the time to forge ahead a new career, relationship or opportunity.

June - Nature

After the fiery inroads we have made in May, June reminds us of the counter-balance nature gives us. It is a time of contemplation and rejuvenation. We are being reminded that your greatest healer is mother nature and our earth. We are being asked to examine what legacy to we wish to leave behind? Focus on renewables and ensuring our earth survives. Change and healing our environment starts with us. We are after all one seed.